In 2012 we sowed our first hectare of wheat Senatore Cappelli.
It is a late cycle durum wheat that we sow in October, with a very strong ear overhanging on a long stem that grown up to 150/160 centimeters.
Its rustic character contributes to the production of an excellent and fragrant flour that in the pasta releases an intense aroma of bread and biscuits.
Compared to the other durum wheats the different kind of gluten makes it more tolerable even in those cases where there is a greater sensibility.
The extremely limited production of about 15/18 quintals an hectare, dipending on the year and the soil, makes the Cappelli a wheat extremely precious and in great demand.
Little by little the surface sowed has grown and on May 28, 2016 -on the 150° anniversary from the birth of its selector, Nazareno Strampelli- we wanted to present a special monovariety selection dedicated to our countryman and to this extraordinary wheat.